

“James Johnson’s camp as a row of tents depiction of Gabriel – a full flight of histrionics and extremes that lands delightfully” 

Arts Talk Magazine

“James Johnson shows genuine promise as his personality shines and his take on the subject matter strikes an uncompromising balance between niche and accessible. His idiosyncratic punchlines and fast, perfectly pitched delivery puts one in mind of Tom Allen, but the quality of Johnson’s writing needs to be acknowledged in its own right.”

Ed Fringe Review

“Gabriel, played by James Johnson, had an abundance of energy and his playfulness really brought this little firecracker of a character to life.” 

Arts Talk Magazine

“James Johnson – witty, eccentric and perfectly paced – mastered Zoom comedy with a set that felt like a gut-wrenchingly funny FaceTime call with a close friend. I only wish his set could have been a bit longer.” 

Ed Fringe Review